Yes. Talkable provides you with two options:

1. Widget: The referral campaign will be shown as a widget in the corner on every page of your site and on the post-purchase, where it appears as a popup with a close button.

2. Embedded: It will only appear at pages/share and post-purchase as a popup with a close button.

Thus, if you don’t want to show the widget, just toggle the toolbar display off to disable the referral program. 

Go to EditorCampaign appearance → choose Embedded option. 

If you are not going to provide a link to the /pages/share anywhere, the Embedded campaign won’t be accessible by customers, thus only a referral popup on the order confirmation will be shown.

Note: Disabling the widget will greatly decrease campaign visibility, so we suggest keeping the widget in the corner as it brings 70% more traffic compared to an embedded, standalone landing page. 

We hope you found this information useful!