To support backend service notifications based on actions in Talkable, you can utilize our Custom App functionality. It is a webhook, which allows you to subscribe to different Talkable events including opt-ins, loyalty actions, and tier transitions. 
Note: in the integration, you’ll need to specify the endpoint that we will be sending data to. This should be an endpoint hosted by you, so please make sure it’s created before linking it to Talkable.

To set up a custom app, go to Site settings -> App store -> Custom App

Then input your endpoint URL and select the required action option(s).

You can add variables to the payload such as API key, loyalty action, balance, etc. Use available variables to see what’s available.

Please use variables such as action_identifier to differentiate different loyalty actions (join a loyalty, review added, or anything else). The identifier will be whatever loyalty action name will be set in the loyalty campaign in Talkable. 

Note: you can use trigger criteria to trigger the webhook only in certain cases (for specific loyalty actions). To do this, add trigger criteria, then input liquid code that returns true if needs to be shown. Example to send the webhook only when loyalty action is loyalty_signup: 

{% if action.identifier == 'loyalty_signup' %}


{% endif %}