1. To update any of the screens you can go into your campaigns’ Editor tab and then to the specific view you are looking to change. From there you can click the HTML/CSS view to make detailed updates outside the Editor: 

2. Please note that we strongly recommend very simple emails for the Friend share emails. Almost all customers use the simplified view because it has a high delivery and click rate. The Friend share emails are sent from Talkable's ESP to a customer who may not be subscribed to your email list. As such, simplified emails have a better chance of getting into the main inbox and generate better performance overall. The more links that are added, the higher the chance of it going to the spam or promotions folder, thus lowering referral performance. Since this is a referral email, it should feel like it's coming from the Advocate and not necessarily your brand. We have A/B tested email templates vs simple emails with hundreds of clients and simpler emails almost always win.