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Editing Campaigns
How can I update the images in a campaign?
I have copied our campaign and am trying to change the Friend incentive, but I am being asked to upload a CSV; I am unsure of what I am supposed to be uploading.
How can I adjust the gleam copy for Advocates and Friends?
How can I update the title of a campaign?
How can I add multiple email fields to the email sharing view on the Share Page?
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Campaign Promotion
How can we drive more people to the Standalone page?
How to add a Friend reward paid email
How to add an Advocate Offer email
Where can I find the Standalone’s URL? I want to link to it in an email so people can share it.
Campaign Launch
How do we schedule a new campaign to go live?
How can I launch a new campaigns?
Dashboard + Referral Metrics Video Tutorial
Campaigns + User Journey Video Tutorial
Can we disable an already issued coupon code from Talkable?
Can we stack referral coupon codes?
Codes are not working at checkout. Could you fix it?
Customers used the same code twice. Could you fix it?
How can I check how many coupon codes are left?
View all 15
Campaign Placements
Can I accommodate the Gleam in a custom place?
Can we place the Floating Widget only on certain pages of our website?
How can we hide the floating widget on mobile only?
I want to hide the floating widget on just our product pages. How do I do that?
A/B tests
How can I A/B test the Gleam campaign’s color/copy/etc.?
How can I A/B test the headline for the Signup and Share Pages at the same time?
How can we A/B test the Facebook copy and title at the same time?
How to set up an A/B test to show/hide an image on mobile devices only?
We have picked a winner from the reward AB test we were running. Now I have selected the X off offer, but I don’t know how to update the “join criteria” to show the X offer to all the traffic instead of only showing it to 50% of the traffic
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QA'ing Campaigns
Can I see a referral’s details if I know the referral link?
How can I test the Advocate’s and Friend’s incentives simultaneously?
How can I test the Talkable referral customer journey from beginning to end from both an Advocate’s and Friend’s perspective?
How do I create a mobile test offer for a particular campaign?
How to test only the Advocate or Friend referral reward?
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Campaign Views
Can you remove the Talkable address link in social sharing?
Why doesn’t the expired Advocate offer preset for the Advocate share page get updated? (applicable only to older campaign templates)
Why does the self-referral/existing customer campaign not reflect all updates when I look in the campaign preview?
Can you remove the Talkable logo from the campaign views?
If we do not have any Friend offers and/or we do not have a Claim Page for Friends to claim codes, how do we track referrals?
View all 38
Campaign Rules
Can we make a campaign that only shows a post-purchase pop up to someone who has purchased a particular product and show everyone else a different post-purchase pop-up?
Can we remove the expiration for Friends for all share links?
How can I update the minimum subtotal requirement?
How can I update the incentives in the campaigns?
How can I show campaigns for a specific IP address only (for testing purposes)?
View all 15
Campaign Rewards
How can we set up Rybbon rewards for Talkable campaigns?
How does a tiered program work? When a customer reaches a milestone, does Talkable notify me so I can send them their prize?
If the friend claims a reward before the offer expires, but makes a purchase after it expires, will the advocate still receive the reward?
Is it possible to delay sending an Advocate a reward for a period of time after a Friend purchases? I would still like to send the Advocate a confirmation on the date the Friend converts, but then reward the Advocate after a period of time
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