To do this, you can use 'Migration tool':

1. Create a new campaign with the appropriate type and placement 

2. Go to the campaign from which you want to apply the features 

3. Pick 'Migrate' in '...Actions' menu bar 

4. Pick the items you want to apply to the new campaign (Ex. Rules, Views, View CSS, Integration CSS)


Please note that each view includes the following attributes:



Liquid HTML: this is a view structure without CSS. It only includes Liquid HTML without any other attributes.


Extras: web view title, head template and preview size, responsive iframe height, email subject, email sender, email sending criteria, email sending delay.


Localizations: copy, images, color and configuration localizations applied inside easy editor. When migrated separately localizations do not update Liquid HTML, just the localization values that exist in target campaigns. 

Views CSS: 

CSS files that are shared across email views and web views. Note: friend claim page CSS is not shared with any other CSS files. 

Integration CSS: integration CSS that is applied to the Talkable iframe to position it as a popup or as an in-line block, depending on the campaign placement configuration. 

5. Choose the site you want to migrate features to from the dropdown menu 

6. Select the campaign you want to migrate features to (only available campaigns will be shown) 

7. Click 'Confirm migration'

8. Click 'Start migration' on 'Migrating changes' screen

Start migration