You can add a delay by following these steps: 

1. Go to 'HTML/CSS' Editor


2. Find this piece of code: 

var setCampaignState = function(type) { 

if (type == "trigger-widget") { 


offer_state: "trigger", action: "set", width: $(".js-offer-trigger-show").outerWidth() + 

"px", height: $(".js-offer-trigger-show").outerHeight() + "px" 


} else { 


offer_state: "offer", action: "set", width: "100%", height: "100%"




2. And replace it with a new one: 

var setCampaignState = function(type) { 

if (type == "trigger-widget") { 


offer_state: "trigger", action: "set", width: $(".js-offer-trigger-show").outerWidth() + 

"px", height: $(".js-offer-trigger-show").outerHeight() + "px" 


} else { 

setTimeout(function() { 


offer_state: "offer", action: "set", width: "100%", height: "100%" 


}, {{ "share_page_popup_delay" | localize: "3" | plus: 0 | default: 0 | times: 1000 }}); 



3. When you save the changes and switch to 'Editor' tab, you’ll see a localization "Share page popup delay" where you can set a delay.