If you want to test the Advocate or Friend offer, you can use campaign rotation. It’s an easy and insightful way to understand which incentive performs better for customers.

  1. Go to the All reports -> Coupon Lists and hit Create new.

  1. Upload codes with a new incentive.

  2. Go to the Rules of the campaign you want to test and click Create A/B test in the Advocate or Friend incentive section. In this case, we’re testing the Friend offer of old $10 off vs the new $15 off:

  1. Enter the new reward value and pull up the associated single-use coupon code list that aligns with this reward value. Save changes by pressing Create incentive:

  2. There you go. You now have 2 test variants. It will automatically start rotating offers as customers engage with the campaigns. You can add more variants, change the distribution proportion (e.g.: 50%/50%, 25%/75%), and view the analytics reporting by following the below links.

  1. You can go to All Reports and track this test in the A/B tests section the same as you would for other tests that you run:

IMPORTANT: not suitable for testing Tremendous or Rybbon rewards. Please reach out to support@talkable.com to set this up.