By default, we use Month Date, Year format (e.g.: May 19, 2022) on the Claim page to communicate the offer expiration date to friends. You can easily change that by adding some simple adjustments to the liquid code.
Here’s a list of formats you might want to use instead:
19.5.2022 - “%d.%-m.%Y”
19.05.2022 - “%d.%m.%Y”
19/05/2022 - “%d/%-m/%Y”
05/19/2022 - “%m/%d/%Y”
5/19/2022 - “%-m/%d/%Y”
5-19-2022 - “%-m-%d-%Y”
Thursday, May 19, 22 - “%a,%b%d,%y”
Thursday, May 19, 2022 - “%a,%b%d,%Y”
In this example, we’ll try to switch May 19, 2022 to 19.5.2022:
1. Go to your campaign and click Editor
2. Select the Claim page and switch to HTML/CSS Editor.
3. Search for “expires” to get to the date format language rule:
4. Change {{ friend_offer.valid_until | format_date: locale: date_format_language }} to
{{ friend_offer.valid_until | format_date: format: "%d.%-m.%Y"}}: