Please get in touch with your team or CSM to provide a video referral performance report, which can be delivered within 3 working days.
Here’s a full list of the available metrics you can track for the video feature:
video_used: # of all clicks on the Video Button CTA (even if AD didn’t record video) on the Share Page made by Advocate
quick_tips_used: # of all clicks (similar to video button) on the Video Tips CTA on the Share Page made by Advocate
friend_view_video: # of clicks on the Play button made by Friends, who view the video on the Claim Page ( play video button)
source_attribute (“browser”, “library”): the way of uploading the video, whether it was recorded or chosen from the gallery
videos_count: total # of all videos (which were recorded or uploaded by Advocates)
shares_with_video_count: total # of shares with a video made by all Advocates
offers_with_video_share_count: # of Advocates, who recorded a video and made at least one share with it
average_videos_count_per_shared_offer: average videos count per shared offer ; formula videos_count / offers_with_video_share_count
percent_of_shares_with_video_from_all_shares: % of shares with the attached video overall shares ; formula: "shares_with_video_count" / shares х 100%
percent_of_advocates_who_shared_a_video: % of Advocates who shared the video across other Advocates (i.e., Advocacy Rate of the video referral feature); formula: "offers_with_video_share_count" / sharers x 100%
percent_of_video_feature_users_who_clicked_"quick_tips"_button: % of Advocates who used quick tips during video recording/uploading (clicked on the video button); formula: "quick_tips_used" / "videos_count" х 100%
percent_of_video_feature_users_who_completed_recording: % of Advocates, who successfully recorded / uploaded video; formula: "videos_count" / "video_used” х 100%
percent_of_video_feature_users_who_completed_recording_and_shared: % of Advocates who made at least one share with video across Advocates who uploaded video; formula: "offers_with_video_share_count" / "videos_count" х 100%
percent_of_videos_recorded_in_browser: % of the videos recorded by Advocates across all videos; formula: "videos_with_browser_flag" / "videos_count"
percent_of_videos_uploaded_from_library: % of the videos uploaded from the gallery by Advocates across all videos; formula: "videos_with_upload_flag" / "videos_count"
average_time_of_videos: average time of all recorded videos
click_through_rate_for_shares_with_video: total number of clicks on the referral links with the video; formula: "clicks_activity_with_video" / "shares_with_video_count"
percent_of_friends_who_watch_video: % of Friends who clicked on the referral links with video and clicked on the Play button on the Claim Page; formula: "friend_view_video_activity" / "clicks_activity_with_video" x 100%
site_visit_rate_for_shares_with_video: % of Friends who visited the site from the referral links with video; formula: "visits_activity_with_video" / "clicks_activity_with_video"
video_record_button_clicked: # of Advocates who clicked the record video button
video_not_supported: # of Advocates whose devices do not support video
video_permissions_granted: # of Advocates who granted permissions to the video recording
video_upload_button_clicked: # of Advocates who clicked on the upload video button
video_recording_started: # video recording started events
video_play_preview_clicked: # of Advocates who clicked the play video preview button
video_attach_clicked: # of Advocates who clicked attach video button
video_lets_start_over: # of Advocates who clicked the “no, let`s start over” button
video_processing_started: # of video processing started
video_attached: # of videos attached to offers
video_close_popup: # of clicks on the “close popup” button